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OneGoal statement on increasing the Federal Pell Grant

CHICAGO, September 17, 2021 – As a leading college access and success organization, OneGoal works to close the degree divide and ensure all young people have an equitable opportunity to achieve their greatest postsecondary aspirations. We know that the college degree divide is one symptom of a broad and deeply-entrenched system of inequity. As Congress determines educational priorities in the budget reconciliation bill, they have an opportunity to act equitably on behalf of millions of students.

OneGoal joins peer organizations and institutions of higher education in calling on Congress to double the maximum Federal Pell Grant and create a nationwide free community college program. According to a new report by the Gender Equity Policy Institute, doubling the Pell Grant would cut student debt by more than half, and community college students who receive the maximum award could even graduate debt-free.

Most of our 12,000 OneGoal students receive Pell Grants, and we often see their need exceed available funds. As the cost of higher education grows, an increase in Pell Grant funds and expanded community college access will dramatically increase equitable access to a college degree and the life that comes with it.

OneGoal and Texas Impact Network Welcome 10 Rural Texas School Districts to Statewide Postsecondary Success Initiative

OneGoal and Texas Impact Network Welcome 10 Rural Texas School Districts to Statewide Postsecondary Success Initiative New collaboration empowers rural school districts with tailored strategies...

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OneGoal Selected for New York Times Communities Fund Annual Holiday Giving Campaign

OneGoal Selected for New York Times Communities Fund Annual Holiday Giving Campaign OneGoal, honored for the second consecutive year, is featured in the campaign, reflecting...

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MGA Partners With OneGoal To Support Path To College For Atlanta Area High School Students

MGA Partners With OneGoal To Support Path To College For Atlanta Area High School Students Macon, GA (October 10, 2024)—Middle Georgia State University (MGA) and...

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