Welcome to Massachusetts

Secondary Partner
Postsecondary Partner
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Secondary Partner
Postsecondary Partner

Current High School Partners


Current Fellows


Year Established


*This information reflects projections for the 2023-2024 school year.

The Statistics

Speak For Themselves

Especially in Massachusetts’ knowledge-based economy, a postsecondary credential is necessary for a life of opportunity and choice. However in Massachusetts, only 18% of students from low-income communities are expected to obtain a college degree within six years of high school graduation, while their peers from high-income families are expected to graduate at rates about four times that. This is not for lack of ambition or talent, but for lack of opportunity and support.

Partnership Summit

November 19  |  8:00 am – 4:30 pm
UMass Boston, Campus Center
This one-day symposium brings together education leaders, policy makers, education practitioners, philanthropy leaders, and more to share perspectives and tackle some of the biggest challenges impacting students today.

Learn more →

Statewide Impact

In Massachusetts, we partner with 16 high schools in 9 districts across the state to integrate postsecondary planning into the school day. We will continue to pursue state-wide impact by deepening our current partnerships as well as expanding to meet local demand across the Commonwealth.

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Meeting the Moment

We are excited to offer our engaging program to fit the changing needs of students and schools. Our program helps teachers focus on the critical relationships and social-emotional supports our students need, while ensuring they get key information and tools to keep their postsecondary goals on track.

Striving For More

Massachusetts Fellow, Celinette, shares about kicking off the journey to college in Year 1 as a high school junior. She attended Lawrence High School and is part of Maureen Santiago’s 2018 cohort.

Read more about Celinette's Year 1 experience →

Meet Amanda

“As early as 4th grade, decisions were already being made about whether I was college material or not. Doors opened to me wouldn’t be opened to my peers. I work to ensure all students can choose the postsecondary path of their choice – not a path that was chosen for them.”

Amanda Seider
Executive Director

Contact Amanda →
Meet the team →
Meet the Regional Advisory Board →

Let’s Connect

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