Bring OneGoal to

Your School or District

We collaborate with high schools and districts that share our commitment to ensuring all students have an equitable opportunity to achieve their highest aspirations. We look for partners who are invested in their students’ success long after they earn their high school diploma. The payoffs of investing in OneGoal are:

Student Success

According to a recent study by UChicago on OneGoal’s impact, our Fellows are 40% more likely to earn a college degree than peers from similar backgrounds.

Building School
+ District Culture

Working with OneGoal means having a partner to develop key components of your postsecondary strategy and craft your culture around college and career success.

Staff Development

We offer OneGoal Program Directors free professional development opportunities. Our Leadership Network participants attend cross-district communities of practice spaces. These experiences result in a growing network of postsecondary experts on campus and across the district.

OneGoal Program

We partner with districts and high schools in low-income communities to ensure postsecondary planning, preparation, and support aren’t treated as extracurricular activities, but as integral components of the high school experience for all students. Our three-year model starts as a credit-bearing class during students’ junior year of high school. OneGoal then bridges the transition to a Fellow’s chosen postsecondary path by continuing individualized support for a full year after high school.

Steps For Bringing the

OneGoal Program To Your School

Step One

Connect with OneGoal Staff

Once connected with our partnerships staff, we discuss your school’s context and identify how the OneGoal program can help you achieve your school’s postsecondary goals.

Step Two

Work OneGoal Into Your Budget

OneGoal aims to have high impact while keeping costs low. Together, we’ll explore avenues of cost-sharing between your school, district, or a combination of both to meet your budget requirements.

Step Three

Build Your First OneGoal Cohort

We’ll work together to nominate an excellent teacher to deliver the our curriculum and identify a cohort of students who would most benefit from OneGoal, while addressing scheduling and other conflicts along the way.

Step Four

Grow The Partnership

Throughout our program, administrators have direct access to OneGoal staff to track cohort progress toward milestones, and discuss how to continue growing OneGoal’s presence and impact on your school.


Leadership Network

OneGoal created the Leadership Network specifically for school and district leaders. When you join, you’ll embark on a three-year year path to improvement. Our experts assess your district’s postsecondary readiness, engage leadership through a supportive community of peers and experts, and guide you every step of the way. Together, we can reimagine postsecondary leadership in your district—and take your outcomes to the next level.

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