
We continue to innovate on our OneGoal Program and OneGoal Leadership Network, and we participate in rigorous internal and external research studies to ensure we’re connecting students with strong resources for their postsecondary pursuits. We share these findings so that all champions of student success can learn alongside us.

UChicago Inclusive Economy Lab Study

A new rigorous evaluation conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago confirms OneGoal has a significant, positive impact on students’ postsecondary outcomes. Learn More →

Research Highlights

  • Compared to their peers, OneGoal Fellows are 46% more likely to enroll in college, 47% more likely to persist for at least two years, and 40% more likely to complete a degree.
  • The study shows that “OneGoal leads to significant, positive improvements on nearly all academic outcomes of interest,” including academic milestones such as high school attendance rates, GPA, and high school graduation rates.
  • These findings are consistent with our internal data and a previous evaluation of OneGoal’s impact conducted by researchers affiliated with the University of Chicago.

Why This Matters

The results confirm that our low-cost, three-year intervention —which prioritizes students from low-income communities— expands students’ college and career options while positively impacting high school academic milestones. These factors have lasting significance for students’ postsecondary success and career trajectories.

At the same time, the study underscores the complex challenges students face on their road to postsecondary completion.

This is what fuels OneGoal’s next strategic plan, which centers around ensuring our students earn postsecondary degrees at 2X the rate of their peers. We’re investing in bold innovations to ensure more students enroll in quality postsecondary paths, and providing differentiated support to ensure more students graduate.

“Our study found evidence that OneGoal has a strong, positive, and statistically significant effect on postsecondary enrollment, persistence, graduation and nearly all academic outcomes of interest.”

Dr. Kelly Hallberg

Scientific Director
Inclusive Economy Lab
The University of Chicago

Root Causes Study

OneGoal designed and executed a qualitative study to understand the underlying causes behind students not completing their postsecondary pathway. Learn More →